Latakia Tobacco

Close-up of Latakia tobacco blend

Latakia tobacco, a sun-dried and smoke-cured product, has a rich history that dates back to its accidental discovery in Syria. Its unique, smoky flavor profile has captivated the senses of pipe smokers around the world, making it a key ingredient in many tobacco blends. Despite its robust flavor, Latakia tobacco is often regarded as a condiment tobacco, used to enhance and fortify other blends. Its production process, which involves sun-curing and smoke-curing over aromatic woods, adds to its mystique and allure. Join us as we delve deeper into the world of Latakia tobacco, exploring its history, production process, and its place in the world of tobacco.

Latakia Tobacco: From Syria to the World

From its humble beginnings in Syria, Latakia tobacco has traveled the world, captivating the senses of pipe smokers with its unique flavor profile. Today, it is a key ingredient in many tobacco blends and is enjoyed by enthusiasts globally.

The Smoky Delight

Latakia tobacco is known for its robust, smoky flavor. This is a result of the unique production process, which involves sun-curing and smoke-curing the leaves over aromatic woods. The result is a tobacco blend that offers a unique delight for the senses.

Latakia as a Condiment Tobacco

Despite its robust flavor, Latakia tobacco is often used as a condiment tobacco. This means it is used to enhance and fortify other blends, adding a unique spice to the world of tobacco.

Sun-Curing and Smoke-Curing

The production of Latakia tobacco is an art. It begins with sun-curing the leaves, followed by smoke-curing over aromatic woods. This process transforms ordinary leaves into a smoky delight, adding to the mystique and allure of Latakia tobacco.

The Role of Aromatic Woods

The aromatic woods used in the smoke-curing process play a crucial role in giving Latakia tobacco its unique flavor. The smoke from these woods infuses the leaves with a distinctive smoky aroma and taste, making Latakia a standout in the tobacco world.

The Perfect Blend

Latakia tobacco is a favorite among pipe smokers. Its unique flavor profile makes it the perfect blend for those seeking a smoky, robust experience. Whether used as a standalone blend or as a condiment tobacco, Latakia adds a unique dimension to pipe smoking.

The Latakia Experience

Smoking Latakia tobacco is an experience like no other. The smoky aroma, the robust flavor, and the rich history all contribute to the allure of this unique blend. It’s no wonder that Latakia has captivated the senses of pipe smokers for centuries.

Global Popularity

Today, Latakia tobacco enjoys global popularity. Its unique flavor profile and the intriguing journey from its accidental discovery to its place in the world of tobacco have made it a favorite among enthusiasts.

The Future of Latakia Tobacco

As we look to the future, the popularity of Latakia tobacco shows no signs of waning. Its unique flavor, intriguing history, and the art of its production continue to captivate the senses of tobacco enthusiasts around the world.

what is the history of latakia tobacco

Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria, named after the port city of Latakia. The discovery of Latakia tobacco is believed to have been accidental. During the 1800s, a surplus of tobacco was stored in the rafters of homes in Syria. The tobacco was exposed to household fires and smoke over many months, which resulted in a unique smoky flavor and aroma .

The production process of Latakia tobacco is known for its complexity. After the tobacco is grown and dried, the leaves are hung over a fire fueled by oak, cedar, and other local aromatic essences. This slow-burning fire releases a thick, aromatic smoke. Over several weeks, the tobacco leaves gradually absorb the aromas of these burning essences, giving Latakia its characteristic smoky and earthy aroma .

Historically, Latakia was used mainly by manufacturers in the U.K., which is why blends containing Latakia are most often called English blends . Today, Latakia is a key ingredient in many tobacco blends and is prized for its uniqueness. It is often used as a condiment or “spice” tobacco, too strong and spicy to be smoked alone, but a unique enhancement that can fortify and distinguish a blend .

Due to sociopolitical issues within Syrian borders, large-scale production of Latakia tobacco has permanently moved to Cyprus . Despite the shift in production, Latakia tobacco continues to play a significant role in the world of pipe smoking. Its unique flavor and aroma have left a lasting impact on the world of tobacco, and its future promises to be just as intriguing .

what are the different ways to smoke latakia tobacco

Latakia tobacco is primarily used in pipe smoking and is often blended with other types of tobacco to create a unique flavor profile. Here are some of the different ways to smoke Latakia tobacco:

  1. Pipe Smoking: Latakia is traditionally used in pipe tobacco blends, particularly English mixtures. It can be smoked on its own, but it is often blended with other tobaccos to create a balanced flavor. Some modern blenders have made successful recipes consisting of up to 50% Latakia, though these are generally regarded as robust blends and not for those who are looking for a lighter flavor .
  2. Blending with Other Tobaccos: Latakia is often used as a condiment tobacco, meaning it is used to enhance and fortify other tobacco blends. It can be blended with Virginia, Burley, or Kentucky tobaccos, among others, to create a distinctive smoky aroma .
  3. Cigars: Some companies, such as Drew Estate Cigars, have used Latakia in many of their non-traditional cigars .
  4. Packing Techniques: The way you pack your pipe can also affect the smoking experience. One technique recommended by pipe smokers is the Codger Method or the Dip and Scoop Method, which can enhance the smoking experience of Latakia .
  5. Taming Latakia: If you find the flavor of Latakia too strong, you can try blending it with a Virginia-based English blend to diminish the strong Latakia flavor .
  6. Dedicated Pipes: For frequent pleasure, it is recommended to use pipes from which only English mixtures are smoked. This is because the pipe will keep the characteristic Latakia taste for the next few fillings, which can distort the taste of aromatic or natural tobaccos .

what are the different types of latakia tobacco and how do they differ from each other

Latakia tobacco is a unique type of tobacco known for its strong, smoky flavor. There are two main types of Latakia tobacco: Syrian and Cyprian, each with distinct characteristics .

  1. Syrian Latakia: This type of Latakia was originally produced in Syria, specifically from a leaf known as Shekk-el-Bint. The tobacco leaves were sun-dried and then smoke-cured in barns, giving it a distinctive smoky flavor. However, due to political instability and other factors, Syrian Latakia is no longer produced .
  2. Cyprian Latakia: Cyprian Latakia is currently the most common type of Latakia available. It is produced in Cyprus using a similar process to Syrian Latakia. However, the flavor profile of Cyprian Latakia is slightly different. It is known for its rounder, less focused smokiness and a notable sweetness that is unlike that of a matured Virginia or a flavored aromatic .

The differences between these two types of Latakia are primarily due to the different tobacco leaves used and the specific curing processes. Syrian Latakia was known for its sharper, more focused smoky flavor, while Cyprian Latakia is known for its rounder, sweeter smokiness .

Both types of Latakia are used primarily in pipe tobacco blends, particularly in English and Balkan mixtures. They are often blended with other types of tobacco, such as Virginia, Burley, or Kentucky tobaccos, to create a distinctive smoky aroma . Despite its strong flavor, Latakia is not overly strong in terms of nicotine content .


Latakia tobacco is more than just a blend; it’s a testament to the inventiveness of early farmers, a piece of history, and a unique sensory experience. Whether you’re a seasoned pipe smoker or new to the world of tobacco, Latakia offers a unique delight that is sure to captivate your senses.


While specific statistics on Latakia tobacco consumption are not provided in the search results, it is noted that Latakia is a key ingredient in many tobacco blends and has a significant presence in the world of pipe tobacco .


  1. What is Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco known for its smoky flavor, originating from Syria and named after its port city, Latakia .
  2. Where did Latakia tobacco originate?
    It originated in Syria .
  3. How is Latakia tobacco produced?
    It is produced by sun-drying the leaves and then smoke-curing them over aromatic woods .
  4. Why is Latakia tobacco used in pipe blends?
    Its unique smoky flavor makes it a popular choice for adding depth to pipe tobacco blends .
  5. Can Latakia tobacco be used on its own?
    Yes, some modern blends consist of up to 50% Latakia .
  6. Does Latakia tobacco come only from Syria?
    Historically, yes, but now it is largely produced in Cyprus due to regulatory issues .
  7. Who discovered Latakia tobacco?
    It was potentially discovered by accident by Syrian farmers .
  8. What are the characteristics of Latakia tobacco?
    It has a robust, smoky flavor and is often used as a condiment tobacco .
  9. When was Latakia tobacco discovered?
    The exact date is not specified, but it was discovered in the 1800s .
  10. Where can I find Latakia tobacco today?
    It is available in various pipe tobacco blends and can be purchased from tobacco retailers .
  11. Is Latakia tobacco still produced in Syria?
    No, current production for export is based in Cyprus .
  12. Will Latakia tobacco remain popular?
    Given its unique flavor and history, it is likely to remain a staple in pipe tobacco blends .
  13. How does the flavor of Latakia tobacco compare to other tobaccos?
    It is distinctly smoky and robust compared to other tobacco varieties .
  14. What woods are used in the smoke-curing process of Latakia tobacco?
    The specific woods are not mentioned, but they are aromatic .
  15. Why is Latakia tobacco sometimes called a condiment tobacco?
    Because it is used to enhance and fortify other tobacco blends .


  • “Blend Your Own Pipe Tobacco” by Robert C.A. Goff
  • “The Pipe Smoker s Guide to Tobaccos” by Bill Drake
  • “The Ultimate Pipe Book” by Richard Carleton Hacker
  • “Tobacco: A Cultural History of How an Exotic Plant Seduced Civilization” by Iain Gately

Sources of information:

  • Wikipedia
  • ResearchGate


  • Dyer, Thiselton (1876). “On the Plant Yielding Latakia Tobacco”
  • Guys, Charles (1863). “On the Culture of Latakia Tobacco”